Department of Health eProcurement Supplier Workspace

The Department of Health eProcurement Supplier Workspace

If you want to keep up to date with all the latest news and announcements from the Department of Health (DoH) then it is essential that you become a member of the Department of Health eProcurement Supplier Workspace.

Benefits of Membership

In addition to all the latest news and many important documents, you will also get automatic access to a very active user forum.  The forum allows you to learn about the issues and challenges other organisations in your industry are facing in respect of NHS GS1 & PEPPOL adoption .  You are also able to get answers to your questions directly from the Department of Health – who respond promptly to any questions asked.

Once you are a member you will be able to make full use of our NHS GS1 & PEPPOL adoption frequently asked questions service.  As part of the FAQs we  have summarized and categorized all the key questions and displayed them with links back to the original forum discussion and DoH response.

How to join

Membership is free – simply send an email requesting access to: